Mark Buckingham
Birth date: May 23, 1966
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Well, this is of course, brilliant. But why? It occurs to me that the world Gaiman set up for himself was in fact the perfect tool for him: He could incorporate any mythology, religion, genre, location or time and still make it all self-consistent, hence allowing his imagination to go wherever it wa...
This story sets up a lot of framework for what's coming - I haven't read ahead, I just know that 'Fables' has a very, very long way to go and I've gotten the hang of Willingham's foreshadowing. The 'Sons of Empire' arc introduces readers to the Empire's plans for revenge on Fabletown and the poten...
It's been over two years since I broke off reading 'Fables' because I'd reached the end of my library's collection. A chance spotting at a used bookstore allowed me to snag the next two books in line. There are couple of hanging plot threads I need to reacquaint myself with, but this was a great c...
This is one of those reviews I've been putting off because I don't have much intelligent to say about this book. It's a fun, warm, and charming read -- a rather sweet take on the Norse gods and one young boy's interactions with them.
The Arabian Fables have finally begun to feel pressure from the Adversary and a Fabletown agent has arranged for an Arabian embassy to arrive in New York. The problem is that Charming failed to get the message.Frau Totenkinder keeps building into a more important character with each appearance, Beas...