Der britische Autor Mark Charan Newton begann mit dem Schreiben, als er in einer Buchhandlung arbeitete. Permanent von Büchern umgeben zu sein, scheint ihn stark beeinflusst zu haben. Statt nach seinem Abschluss in Umweltwissenschaften im Regenwald zu verschwinden, entschied er sich für eine Karrier...
I am gonna do this in the 3 reasons review format because honestly I got nothing to say at all.1.) Reasons you chose this bookIt sounded good. An ice age is coming, the dead are walking, intrigues and an interesting sounding world.2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this bookI disliked it because I co...
Not a bad start so far. A number of characters have already been introduced and I did not feel sympathetic to a single one yet. But that might change as soon as I learn a bit more about them. Well, one is dead already. :) I like that.Weeeeeell, I just don't know. I connected with none of the charact...
still quite good :)