This is a wildly inventive telling of The Flintstones for a contemporary age. Like the original Hanna-Barbera show, it's written with an adult audience in mind -- unlike the original show, it is not written with kids in mind. That was a strength of the original, and a weakness of the comic. F...
Well, that wasn't what I was expecting. Rather than a funny look at stone age life a la the cartoon I remember as a child, I was faced with an interesting commentary on social issues. PTSD in soldiers Treatment of immigrant labour Consumerism (Gay) Marriage - Kudos for Fred standing up for the 'non-...
This easily makes up for the failed promises of the other Hanna Barbera adaptations. Brilliant social satire. It's a Stone Age Family for today and it works!
I was... never going to read this. Never, ever. I really, really hate Flinstones, and always have. Mostly, it seemed insipid to me, at least when compared with other toons or TV shows I could watch. I don't laugh at jokes when I don't find them funny, and I didn't find Flinstones funny. And...
Bravo DC. Consider me a fan of Prez and all its charming political satire. With the current state of affairs in our nation, this comic rings even truer than it has before. Beth Ross isn't the president everyone was expecting. She's a teenager, first of all. She isn't taken in by consumerism, corpora...