by Lee Brazil
Massive time jump. They met, kissed, then all of a sudden, it was weeks later. That 'getting to know you' time is the most important and it was just skipped over. :(
2.5 stars Though I liked the tie-in to chess there was really nothing much new here; two guys meet, fall in lust, one in the closet, the other one not. They figure it out. There was a bit too much melodrama for my taste and the characters a bit too black and white (kinda like the chessboard, tee hee...
Blah. This was another one that very nearly ended up in my dnf shelf, but it was short enough I just forced myself to finish it.The characters are much more like caricatures than like actual people. Mason, the high school dropout working nights to help support his family; Mark, the rich kid with t...
1.5 stars So, to be fair, I probably would have given this 2 stars if it had been free, but since on top of not liking it I had to spend $2.49... it gets bumped down half a star. I say "not liking" as opposed to "hated", because hate is too strong of an emotion. This was just so... whatever... th...
2.5 stars. Ok m/m romance about a high school dropout who's helping his mom support his younger brothers by working nights. When he meets the snooty owner of a chess shop where one of his brothers is in a tournament, he's unprepared for the attraction between them.