Weird Hauntings is a book of true ghost stories. There are many stories in here from different states. Where the paranormal occurrences happen are varied.Some stories are just about people feeling someone there or hear noises. Other stories are pretty creepy and go beyond just noises, like what Stev...
Weird New England, Your travel guide to New Englands local legends, Best Kept Secrets by Joseph CitroLots of places to visit with the unusual especially in my back yard. Always good for a day trip.4 statues of frogs sitting on spools of thread over the Willamantic River, CT would be a good photo op...
After taking a picture and a strange ball of light appears in it, Mark decides to start the Weird Club. A Club where its members research all things weird! But right now, Mark is the only member.Slowly the Weird Club begins gaining members and they discover many weird things, including the Jersey De...
A little too jokey for my taste, but this was balanced out by some excellent ghost stories.
I' m a huge fan of "WEIRD" and lived here my whole life and will continue to. Definitely made some notes for family outings of course not the spooky places with the kids.