This was a train wreck for me. There was a very thin plot in this story. Mostly, it was just about turning a spoiled brat into a sex slave. I felt nothing for the dumb bitch. I was a bit amused when she was cut. I liked the modifications performed on her body as far as piercing, branding and cu...
Is this book supposed to start on chapter 13? I'm not sure and at this point, I don't really care. The theme of the book should have been right up my alley. The execution of the story is what didn't do it for me. The punishment, humiliation and sex scenes wasn't sexy for me. Nothing aroused me....
Where was the wooden leg? What, no talking parrot? No walking the plank? What about a hook? No eye-patch? All kidding aside, this book did contain whipping. I can't put my finger on why this book didn't do it for me. The sex scenes I guess were just kind of boring. It did nothing to arouse m...