Mark Teppo is the author of Rudolph!, The Potemkin Mosaic, Earth Thirst, Lightbreaker, and Heartland (the latter two being the initial pair of the urban fantasy series, The Codex of Souls). He was also a contributor to the Foreworld Saga, notably the three volumes of The Mongoliad, Katabasis, and...
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Mark Teppo is the author of Rudolph!, The Potemkin Mosaic, Earth Thirst, Lightbreaker, and Heartland (the latter two being the initial pair of the urban fantasy series, The Codex of Souls). He was also a contributor to the Foreworld Saga, notably the three volumes of The Mongoliad, Katabasis, and several of the SideQuests. During the day, he is the founder and publisher of RESURRECTION HOUSE, a fiercely independent genre publisher devoted to adoring the printed book from author to audience. At night, he is a synthesist, a trouble-shooter (and -maker), a cat herder, and an idea man. His favorite Tarot card is the Moon.
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