TITLE: Annus Horribilis: Latin for Everyday Life AUTHOR: Mark Walker DATE PUBLISHED: 2008 FORMAT: Hardcover ISBN-13: 9780752442846 ________________________ DESCRIPTION: "What do "quid pro quo" and "habeas corpus" mean? Why do plants have Latin names? Why do families, towns, countries...
So this is a translation of one of the first attributable, "literary" (ie non-folk-tale) stories about Merlin, the West's most famous wizard. It's quite surprising in many ways: there's very little actual magic here, apart from prophecy, and Merlin is a madman and not very nice to his wife or sister...
One the shelf with Winnie Ille Pooh and Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis. Reviewers find the Latin wanting, but at this point in my life I won't be reading this to improve my Latin grammar.