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Mark Zug - Community Reviews back

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I Live in Many Worlds
I Live in Many Worlds rated it 9 years ago
After having read Black Unicorn, and how much I enjoyed it, I had to get my hands on the next installment in the trilogy. Gold Unicorn carries a much darker tone than its predecessor, however, that does not mean it was less enjoyable. I love how dark the world and the characters became. I enjoyed ...
Dakkar rated it 10 years ago
È trascorso un anno da quando Septimus Heap ha scoperto qual è la sua vera famiglia. In qualità di apprendista del Mago Straordinario Marcia Ovestrand, apprende le arti sopraffine della Magya, mentre Jenna si è adattata alla sua vita di principessa. Ma qualcosa di sinistro si agita sotto la superfic...
LyraLaJeune rated it 11 years ago
Der Palast der Zauberer wird von einer machtvollen dunklen Kraft bedroht. Doch Septimus erkennt die Gefahr zu spät, er hat anderes im Kopf. Sein und Jennas 14. Geburtstag steht unmittelbar bevor und damit eine weitere große Prüfung für den Zauberlehrling: die Schwarzkunstwoche. Während Septimus sich...
Something clever I'll change later
Something clever I'll change later rated it 12 years ago
After loving Black Unicorn, I rushed to the library to pick up this sequel. It was not nearly as good. Still really easy to read and I think it only took me two nights, but I had this vaguely uncomfortable feeling that the author kept suffering from writer's block and just put words down on a page t...
ism rated it 12 years ago
Allow me to read between the lines. Or too much into the story. Somehow I liked this book better than the first two. Although the characters are slowly growing up and we see more "evil" in the new antagonists rather than the comical characters of DomDaniel and Simon (I mean, who's gonna take a chara...
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
Roar! Flagon the Fierce and Friendly Welsh Dragon see profile pic and other photos here with my second Goodreads review. I reviewed The Other Wind last time. Roar - so Robert really likes Angie Sage (he met her once) but I've gone off her a bit because of this book; there's a Pesky Dragon in it. A...
razzzat rated it 13 years ago
Again a very good book of a good series. Nice and riveting plot. Highly recommended.Can't wait for the next installment. Also Jenna getting more irritating. My least liked character. Missed Wolf Boy and Aunt Zelda. Only a page for them in the entire book.
Book Lovers Life
Book Lovers Life rated it 13 years ago
Really enjoyed it! Fun read.
Osho rated it 13 years ago
One of the better books in this series, with plenty of action, a good level of anxiety, and teen self-preocccupation and angst. Some leveling occurs--Silas does something well, Simon attempts to mend his ways, and Septimus makes some errors. Enough multi-book story arcs are resolved for a good sense...
Jazabell rated it 13 years ago
Another great Septimus adventure. I enjoyed this very much. Like all the books before it, Septimus is put to a test that he may never come back from and this is by far the most frightening of all. Jenna and the whole Castle learn that old enemies can make for great allies and finally there is some l...
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