Marquis de Sade
Birth date: June 02, 1740
Died: December 02, 1814
Marquis de Sade's Books
(Original Review, 1981-04-04)Histoire de Juliette ou les Prospérités du Vice (Story of Juliette or The Prosperities of Vice) by de Sade.Profoundly disturbing - not only in its depiction of cold-hearted indulgence, by way of a text nearly as long as War and Peace, in murder, rape, robbery and more ho...
(Original Review, 2008) Personally,I think the way to understand De Sade is as a global pioneer in the art of trolling. His actual sexual acts were fairly tame in the broad scheme of things - 15 year-old servants, but people were getting married at that age in his time. As far as history records, ...
I wanted to finish this book, I really did. It was on my TBR for years and I was eager to finally check it off. But there's only so much of reading people eating shit one can take before it gets repetitive, and I have better things to do with my time.
Όλα όσα περίμενα να διαβάσω στο Μέγα Ανατολικό του Εμπειρίκου τα βρήκα ανεξαιρέτως στον de Sade.
Just awful. I can tell Sade struggled to find enough words and ways to describe beauty and penises.