by Johanna Lindsey
This one was just OK for me. I forgot how mild Ms. Lindsey's love scenes are. I'm not sure I like any of the characters all that much and can't figure out how they fell in love. I did like the narrator though.
The book was going so well right up until the end. I was going to give it 4 stars, but there was a plot twist and an ending that were both so contrived it kind of ruined it for me and annoyed me to no end. I'm still torn because if I think too much about that I might give it 2 stars instead of 3. Ho...
An enjoyable read. It has been more than a...ahem, score of years since I read a book by Johanna Lindsey. That said, this was fun. A twisted plot that got really knotted and perhaps, a little too quickly resolved for my tastes. The emotional changes were sped up, peoples feelings altering and accept...
Kitabı ben Aşkta Seni Seçtim kadar beğenmedim. Onun kadar komik veya güzel değildi benim için. Ama sizin görüşünüzü etkilemek istemem ben hikayeyi biraz anlatim. Hikaye baş karakterimiz olan Sebastian'ın "anlamadan" arkadaşının karısıyla yatması ve üzerine arkadaşını akabinde yapılan düelloda öldürü...
When I heard about Marriage Most Scandalous was about I was intrigued. The hero was described as a mercenary which made my ears perk up. I love dangerous romance heroes. What can I say? I was tempted, despite my limited financial funds to buy the book when it came out (from Walmart at a considerable...