Decent enough book. While each entry is fairly light, the size of the book prevents it from being particularly light reading. I do recommend the book though, as the games they've chosen for the list do fit.
You know when teachers tell you you are smart and talented but lazy? I've heard it many times. I am sure many of you heard it as well and I am absolutely positive Martin Davies heard it more than once. He is a talented guy. He managed to create a mystery story that revolves around a stuffed bird. An...
You know when teachers tell you you are smart and talented but lazy? I've heard it many times. I am sure many of you heard it as well and I am absolutely positive Martin Davies heard it more than once.He is a talented guy. He managed to create a mystery story that revolves around a stuffed bird. And...
This was just fun. An engaging narrator, a fantabuloso Mrs Hudson, lots of delightful characters, snowy London and an engaging mystery. The only think I didn't like was bumbling, unintelligent Dr Watson. You'll never win me with stupid Watson. But I'd read another.
I know I'm not the only one who'll compare it to Possession. Is this a type of book, a sub-genre? These books set in two timelines where the people in the present are trying to figure out some sort of mystery in the history? Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land is another example.
Birthday present - not overly impressed..