This book is so desperate to show you how 70s it is, that it can't stop ramming it down your throat. Between a bunch of poorly executed references to various 70s prog rockbands, and shoehorned in drug use (of hallucinogens, naturally), the book loses any sense of being a 3rd Doctor story.
Not as good as some of the others. I can't say Martha impressed me much here. She was too negative. Then again, the Doctor seemed 'less' than he normally is too.All in all the story was interesting, but seemed to lack somehow. Had a good ending, though, of course.
My first Martha book. Nice little hints to the tv episodes (the hippos on the moon and Shakespeare). I liked the concept of this story. I usually fall for good versus evil kinda epic battle. This one is interesting because it's played very low key and with more of a psychological twist to the plot. ...