by Alison Weir
"En Ma Fingit Mon CommencementIn my end is my BeginningMary had this saying embroidered on her cloth of estate while in prison in England.Mary was 6 days old when her father died and she was crowned Queen of the Scots. At age 15 she married Francis, dauphin of France, and he ascended the throne a y...
I've always thought Mary was a naive dolt, playing at politics and assassination like she was in a Lord Byron poem. Hopefully this book will give me a better sense of whether that was true, or if she actually had a better idea or rationale for what she was doing.
I've been re-reading this over the last month.Weir does a good analysis of the whole murder of Darnley, and while she believes Mary to be innocent, she doesn't show the Scots Queen as truly a white sheep. The last 100 hunderd pages, however, are a little slow.