Maryna Dyachenko
Marina and Sergey Dyachenko -- co-authors of novels, short fiction, plays and scripts. They write in Russian and Ukrainian languages with several novels soon to be published in translation in the United States. The primary genres of their books are modern speculative fiction, fantasy, and...
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Marina and Sergey Dyachenko -- co-authors of novels, short fiction, plays and scripts. They write in Russian and Ukrainian languages with several novels soon to be published in translation in the United States. The primary genres of their books are modern speculative fiction, fantasy, and literary tales.Visit their website at:
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I enjoyed this book. It started a hair on the slow side, and some of the writing word choices seemed odd - I chalked this up to the book being translated from Russian. However, as the story goes on the prose improves dramatically, and it turns into a very pleasurable read. The characters are at time...
1. I listened to this as an audiobook and the narration was absolutely fantastic. This is definitely a book I would recommend to someone starting out with audiobooks.2. The translator for this book did a bang up job. I (obviously) couldn't translate from Russian, so I have no idea how well or s...
The Scar is one of the most original and most intriguing fantasy novels I've read in quite some time. It's a shame that the cover blurb tries so hard to compare it to the likes of Robin Hobb and Michael Moorcock, because the comparison really does the novel a disservice. I love them both, but they a...
If you are tired of hyped stuff, bored of magicians and superheroes thinking no differently from ordinary people, and sixteen years old witches behaving like thirty y.o. bitches, but still don't give up and want to find a good YA novel, this book is for you. And if you liked this book, check outIn S...