by Laurann Dohner
Well... for once one of the author's Hs wasn't thrilled to find his mate. There's some sort of irony that in the worlds she's created where they don't actually mate, they grab random *human* females by their hair and drag them off for a lifetime of being a living blow up doll. This one, where mating...
I had previously read this book and decided to reacquaint my self with the series in audio. It reminded me of just how much I enjoyed it the first time around!! Such a great read!Mika is just the sassy snarky kind of gal I love to read. She knows what she wants and goes for it. I adored her banter a...
Mate Set It’s werewolf mating season. All the males are in heat and the driving, sexual lust of their beasts is almost uncontrollable. Mika is human, in an alley, surrounded by four horny werewolves. She knows she’s in deep shit. A tall, handsome werewolf rescues her then demands payment. Hot, sweat...
My first and probably not my last Laurann Dohner. This was a nice read, though, to be honest, I don't understand the hype surrounding this author. While the story was nice and entertaining, I didn't find it all that special. It was sexy and steamy and I even enjoyed the whole wolf mating thing, desp...
Classic shapeshifter/human erotic novel. While reading I found myself fascinated with Dohner's deep obsession with the word TOTALLY!!! It must have been written down over a few hundred times witch reminded me of bubblegum barbie blondes and high school cafeterias....
I was all over this story!! Super sexy alpha type were and a feisty chick! That leads to some fantastic steamy action!! Lots of hotness here. All wrapped up in a great story. I am very interested in more of this series! Plenty of brothers to get books!Cover Art - I love a cover that is about a sexy ...
Nie mogłam się oderwać. Rozczuliła mnie. Dobrze i szybko się czyta. A relacje pomiędzy człowiekiem a wilkami - tak często powtarzane w dzisiejszej literaturze - wciąż mi się nie znudziły. Gry pomiędzy bohaterami. Konsekwencje. I zwroty akcji powodują, że nie można się od tego oderwać. Idealna pozycj...