by Jon Scieszka, Lane Smith
The book is about a young person that is told in her math class that math is used in everyday life. The student then goes home and wakes up the next day with all kinds of math problems in her head. The story continues throughout her day, explaining how math works in her life each day. Math Curse is ...
This book would be great for higher level grades. Teaching using a thematic unit, integrating math and literature. After making predictions and reading book as class, students could observe their own environment and make their own word problems and then solve them. Students would be building skills ...
Read this as a kid and remember enjoying it, but not much else about it!
Fantastically illustrated, hysterically funny, somewhat overwhelming. Child's math teacher announces: "You know, you can think of almost everything as a math problem." Child proceeds to do so, with great anxiety. Poor child fakes a cupcake allergy to avoid fractions. In the end he breaks the curse...
I thought this would appeal to us more than it did.