by Kristen Ashley
Like other reviews, this was hard to get into, especially in the beginning and books without any resolution drive me crazy.
1/5; 1 star; DNFWhile Mathilda is supposed to be a 34 year old woman; reading this book (which is her ramblings in her journal), is like listening to a 15 year old go on and on. The format was uncomfortable and there was no character development. Gave up after about 100 pages.
I loved this book. I need the next one.
Well this was... weird. It took some time to get used to this different style of writing, but it's ok. It's actually a great story, very entertaining, but the ending was just gaaaaah!! I reeealy hope there will be a second book that will finish things, cause it's really hard to have two awsome male ...
So...entertaining, at times humorous, but above all irritating.The whole book is written diary style. The only thing that would've annoyed me more, is if it had been written in epistolary format.Also Irritating because there's no real conclusion(and I'm not planning on reading the next book) , the i...
I liked this story, but it wasn't one of my favorites.Took awhile to adjust to the writing style and the characters (they both seemed to be scattered all over the place at the beginning).Guess I'll have to read the next book in the series to see if it'll be on my 'hit' list.