Moby-Dick is a huge part of my life and despite my deep love for all creatures living in our oceans – the whales, sharks, the little fish, the big fish, deepwater fish, basically all of them – I can still enjoy Melvilles fiction, because at least no animals were harmed in the making of this novel. ...
What a wonderful tribute to a great novel.When I received Moby-Dick in Pictures I decided it was imperative I view the book simultaneously with Moby-Dick . With a full reading list and an uncertainty about Melville's classic work, it took a little too long to get around to it. Thumbing through thes...
I learned of this book shortly before I began Moby Dick and was intrigued, but figured such a huge book would cost me a heap of postage. Thank you for making this purchase possible and less painful than expected.This is a beautiful companion to Moby Dick, full of inpired drawings and graph...