Matthew Chapman, author of Trials of the Monkey An Accidental Memoir, and great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin, had moved to the United States, tired of the English predilection for class distinctions. Never a diligent student, he fell in love with the story of evolution and visited Dayton, TN, h...
Matthew Chapman is the great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin. He's also a screenwriter and director of some note — at least to his lights. He's also an avowed atheist who decided to investigate the site of the famous "monkey trial," the infamous battle between religion and science in Dayton, Tennes...
Chapman, a great grandson of Darwin, set himself to report on the modern day Scopes Monkey Trial held in Dover Pennsylvania in 2005, when the local school board attempted to insinuate the notion of intelligent design into the science curriculum of their district. He offers a look at the personalitie...