Matthew Dickerson is the author of numerous works of both fiction and non-fiction. His first book, a medieval historical novel titled The Finnsburg Encounter, was published in 1991. A sequel to that novel titled The Rood and the Torc was published in the start of 2014. In between he has...
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Matthew Dickerson is the author of numerous works of both fiction and non-fiction. His first book, a medieval historical novel titled The Finnsburg Encounter, was published in 1991. A sequel to that novel titled The Rood and the Torc was published in the start of 2014. In between he has published books about J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S.Lewis, and fantasy literature as well as a biography of singer-songwriter Mark Heard. He is especially interested in ecological/environmental aspects of the works of Lewis and Tolkien. He is currently working on a series of books about fly-fishing, trout, and ecology, and also as series of fantasy novels. He was born in Massachusetts in 1963, and also has lived or gone to school in New Hampshire, Maine, New York, and most recently Vermont where he has lived since 1989. He teaches at Middlebury College in Vermont, and was the director for 12 years of the New England Young Writers Conference at Breadloaf. He is a member of the OWAA.
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