For a first novel, The Wide Game displays a notable amount of promise. The writing is particularly strong, as if author Michael West spent a long time honing his craft before submitting his manuscript to publishers. It's also more complicated than it seems at first glance, with some surprisingly dee...
This nonfiction book outlines the basic questions parents have about homeschooling, from the most basic "why?" to the more in-depth "how?" Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure who the intended audience for this book would be -- Some of the statements made in the book make it all too apparent that th...
First Sentence:Kallon soared.Too me there's nothing more worrisome when a book starts out kind of slow, which is what happened in the first twenty or so pages of Jackie Gamber's Redheart, but regardless of the slow start Redheart turned out to be a truly original and satisfying fantasy read. Once it...