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What happens when a child stops believing in Santa and Santa stops believing in a child? A marvelous story that is fun and reminds us that the magic of Christmas should be cherished no matter what age we are. Lovely and humorous illustrations with a delightful story to go along with them. This is a ...
I received this book from Netgalley/publisher in exchange of an honest review.It isn’t Christmas by far (still 8 months to go), but when I saw this book on Netgalley I just wanted to have it so much. I love Christmas and while I never celebrated it for Santa (because I already did that during Sinter...
The day Santa Stopped believing in Harold by Maureen Fergus, illustrated by Cale Atkinson and published by Tundra Books distributed by Penguin Random House Canada is a lovely children's book that I am sure will entertain your children.Yes because in this case Santa starts to be upset and precisely w...
The quest to find the legendary gypsy healing Pool of Genezing is on. Persephone, Azriel, their gypsy friends Tiny and Fayla, and Persephone’s “doppelganger” Rachel, set out on their quest to save the king. I didn’t absolutely love A Fool’s Errand by Maureen Fergus but I did like it as mu...
I realized from the beginning that The Gypsy King, by Maureen Fergus, is a quirky action packed novel, with pacing trouble. The idea for the novel about sixteen year old Persephone’s attempts at escaping enslavement, were all there but often became lost in Fergus’s need to make the novel 434 pages ...