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*** 3,8 stars ***A gothic mystery with a decidedly masculine point of view.I'm not sure I can classify it as a gothic mystery-I expect more scary stuff from a gothic mystery. I see it rather as a historical mystery with a decidedly masculine point of view. Apart from genre's discussion - [b:The Mast...
"Decidedly masculine point of-"What the fuck does that mean?
The Master of Seacliff: A Novel - Max Pierce Oh you!! You could have been a wonderful gothic-mm-harlequin (does the genre exist?) but no, you were satisfied to be just so so. As a mystery, it's packed full of cliches and it's predictable. As a romance, it's disjoint because the important parts ar...
Except for having a male protagonist this was a completely traditional Gothic genre romance. Innocent young thing travels to isolated, creepy manor house on cliff to tutor lonely, troubled child whose father harbors a dark secret and is ill-tempered yet somehow irresistibly attractive to said young ...
Reminiscent of classic gothic historical romances, but with a gay twist. Enjoyable.