Lucinda is the owner of a pawn shop which has the power to appear anywhere in the world. Only those who are going through some kind of moral conflict can enter; once inside, a dark object calls out to them. This object will have the power to greatly influence their lives. As the devil's daughter, L...
I won The Devil’s Daughter by Hope Shcenk de Michele and Paul Marquez in a giveaway. Sorry, but I cannot remember where. I love covers with eyes. Between the title and the cover, I think someone may be up to something bad. What do you think? Come visit Lucinda’s Pawn Shop and find what is looking ...
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Colin has no other name but he's often known as Mr Twilight. He devotes his life to solving and neutralising magical crimes and criminals. He teams up with a beautiful Native American and a New York detective who is apparently immune ot Magic. While I found the adventure interesting, some of the fl...
The Last Jedi is about Jax, one of the few surviving Jedi from Order 66. Jax is part of a budding rebellious uprising against the Empire called Whiplash and he’s on a secret mission to move a Whiplash leader to safety. This book felt like one of those dreams that no matter how hard you try to run, ...
It may be corny but I am a star wars geek. I own every book I could possibly find adult and youth alike. An outstanding world to have so many spins on. Michael Reaves The Last Jedi is another one of those favorites you can't help but enjoy. I had some personal issues with a few quirks here and there...