by Jojo Moyes
OH. MY. GOD. I am in no fit state to write a review for this book at the minute. _____________________________________________________________________Okay. I feel ready enough to write some words about this book. I started it a few days ago after reading Jojo Moyes's newest (and unreleased book) The...
I made it to the Epilogue of Me Before You before the tears started. And it wasn't a pretty cry. It was quite possibly the ugliest cry I have ever had in my entire life. This book just reaches out to the readers heart and never lets go. The writing is amazing though it did take me some time to get ...
We are like flames. We shine brightly even in the darkest of hours but there is a time when there isn't enough wax for the flames. In other words, enough life for our lives. Someday we will be blown out like a candle and be re-ignited again with a different wax supporting the flame. In other words,...
Such an emotional read! It was a beautiful love story, but with no insta-love. Will be reading more from this author.
That ending was not what I had in mind when I started this. While reading, I kept hoping everything will turn out okay, somehow. And it did, just not in the way i expected it too. Me Before You in a word is sad. But I loved it.
3.5 starsLet me get the annoying bits out of the way, so I can get to the good stuff.The over descriptions. Some books need it, some books don't. This one definitely didn't. There was such a good rythm and pace to this story, and then the over descriptions messed with that a bit. Slowing down the pa...