by Helena Hunting
"I don't want to for our lives to be over; I want to know right now, what will be?"Daxton Hughes is a former teen heart throb clearly modeled on James Van Der Beek, who played the title character in Dawson's Creek. One of the big giveaways is that there is a popular internet meme of Daxton crying ("...
I Picked Up This Book Because: They hype. Apparently that is my thing in 2019. The Characters: Kailyn Flowers: Daxton Hughes: Emme Hughes, Aunt Linda The Story: Took me a long time to get this book read mostly because of the incredibly long wait at the library and a slow start. I wasn’t in the m...
Kailyn Flowers likes her life calm and always in order. On her first day of law school as she is walking to her first class she collides with Daxton Hughes, the ex-actor and guy crush of her teenage years and her inner fan girl comes to life. This starts a fun relationship between these two that con...
Cute rom-com of two people who meet in college and don't like one another but later in life meet through their profession of law. Kailyn is a trust lawyer who becomes the conservator for Emme, Dax's sister, when they lose their parents in an accident. Of course, nothing runs smoothly as there beco...
I was given the option to have a 'FREE PREVIEW' of this new book. I loved it so much and could not put it down, so I ran to the library as soon as I finished my preview, so I could finish the story. So worth it. Kailyn meets her star crush at college on the way to class. She ends up competing w...