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Meg Clothier
Meg Clothier's Books
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want a real life adventure? come to Australia we have spiders bigger than your hand.
The first page or two of the Girl King book was slightly difficult to get through, i had no idea what the names belonged to or who they may be referencing, but once you get past that this book was splendid. The characters were awe-inspiring, and so different to one another, i adored the different cu...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 11 years ago
Based on history and legend this is the story of Tamar, the girl king of Georgia in 1177. Beset by invaders and enemies her father respects her as a probable leader but others don't agree. Women have a role in this culture and ruling isn't one of them. Tamar has to win respect and help and marry a...
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