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Meg Gardiner
Meg Gardiner's Books
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Lornographic Material
Lornographic Material rated it 7 years ago
Ever since the publication of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS thriller authors have been trying to recapture the magic of Thomas Harris's masterpiece by working from the same playbook. Likewise with David Fincher's nihilistic, deadly-sins-themed film SE7EN. In UNSUB, Meg Gardiner blends the two to create a pre...
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 7 years ago
I gave Unsub three 1/2 stars and this one will be getting three minus the 1/2 and I will be stopping with the series right here. It’s just not one for me. Everyone else seems to love it so I think it’s a case of personal taste. And, to be totally honest, I wasn’t really in the mood for it when it ar...
debbiekrenzer rated it 7 years ago
I absolutely loved the locale of this book! Of course, duh, it would be Austin. HA!!This book kept me mesmerized for hours and I loved it!!!! So many suspected characters for me that, of course, did not work quite that way. Ahhh, the joy of a good book!!!!I do have to say that Caitlin did tend to ge...
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 7 years ago
This is one of those books with a trillion reviews so I am going to use this to my advantage and let my laziness take over and be super brief. Unsub was pretty good but I didn’t fall in love with it like many a reader before me has. To get truly wowed over I suggest you read The Fourth Monkey by J...
carolesrandomlife rated it 7 years ago
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.I really enjoyed this book! I was a huge fan of the first book in this series, UNSUB, so I was really excited to read this one. I will admit that I didn't like this book quite as much as the first book in the series but it was a very str...
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