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Writers: Michael Oeming & Mike CareyArt: Mel RubiColoring: Caesar Rodriguez & Richard IsanoveCover Art: Greg Land; Inking: Matt Ryan, Cover Coloring: Jason Keith This is a 17 page prequel to Oeming's rendition (a 50 issue series) of the epic Red Sonja tale. This first offering is told from the P...
Particularly, I believe, since i haven't watched the new series recently. That being said, this was confusing and convoluted, and I'd probably think so even if I had seen it. I didn't like this at all. Add to that, the machines mostly looked like humans and tried to procreate like humans......
Joss Whedon comics are always the best. This volume was almost 400 pages, and it alone was worth the $15 I paid for the Humble Bundle. The art was great, the stories were great, and cmon, it's Angel. I absolutely heart Angel.
The early Dark Horse stuff just doesn't do it for me: the characters feel more in character, and the story lines truer to the source material, in the IDW graphic novels. This just left me cold. The art was decent for the most part, and it was readable, if not great, so two and a half stars.
If the re-lunch of Red Sonja kept the quality of the first six issues ( co-written by the brilliant Mike Carey) this would have been four or more stars. Sadly all the refreshing life and generally good writing gets bogged down by finding ways to keep Sonja from her ultimate goal while having sword f...