I picked up this book thinking "What a cool, different approach to the Christmas novel!" One can get burned out on the Amish Christmas or Daddy-For-Christmas type stories that typically flood the market this time of year. Unfortunately, this one turned out to be kind of a dud for me. There was noth...
The first one of these two is a non-paranormal story. It's a story about a musician and his sister-in-law who brings his twin children to stay with him in his gothic-style mansion. There's someone trying to kill them and she thinks that maybe with their father in his secluded house they will be sa...
Only read "Hunter's Right" by Jaid Black. Really, really liked it. I couldn't get into the other stories and only got through a few pages.. they just didn't grab me.
I only read Jaid Black's erotic paranormal short story which was enjoyable. I liked the heroine who was strong yet realistic and took a different path than the norm under the circumstances. Corporal Ronda's helicopter crashes in Alaska and she is found by barbaric Viking Nikolas.
NY romance writer agrees to go to attractive but staid sex scientist's Scotland castle to help him with research in return for $20K which she needs to bail her younger sister out again from trouble. Both are attracted to each other but certain challenges bar them from giving in to their attraction....
Heroine has been in love with hero since childhood & seduced him mysteriously 1 night. Hero thought his mystery lover was heroine's sister due to finding her sister's engraved handkerchief in the vicinity where they made love. So he proposed marriage to his sister the next day. Eight yrs later, hero...
Conservative & simple heroine gets involved in magazine business she inherited from her now-deceased & estranged father who her sophisticated & ruthless twin sister lived with. She surprises the magazine employees with her more-helpful personality since she doesn't dispel their mistaken notion that ...
I was a bit disappointed, through my own fault =( i was soo excited to receive the book and then i realized i´d already read the first short story by Sherrilyn Kenyon =/. It´s a great one about two agents reluctantly having to go undercover together as a practicing BDSM team, struggling with feelin...
This started off ok but after beginning action it slowed down. After 100 pages in I started skimming, after 200 I skipped to last chapter. Lady Francine's guardian Lucien shows up interfering with her plans. Title & cover had very little to do with story.
This book kept me up late this Saturday as I found I could not put it down without finishing it. How I feel about the book is complicated. It was a very good romance with elements of realism that added to its appeal. The hero was not a goody-two shoes titled hero with no dark past or issues other...