For this and other reviews please visit Zemfirka Blogs...Egalley courtesy of Artisan via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.From the owners of the Brooklyn’s franny’s, Francine Stephens and Andrew Feinberg, with the help of food writer, NY Times food columnist, and native Brooklynite...
OK, I know that this is a low fat cookbook, but it didn't even remotely have the same feeling of his mother's cookbooks or even his previous cookbooks. There was too much focus on poultry(including turkey bacon~yuck). I stick with my premise that the Deen's cooking is meant to stay as is, but done i...
I was not impressed with this cookbook, AT ALL. When I am evaluating a cookbook I look for three things. First, how appealing are the recipes to my family? Second, how available are the ingredients needed to prepare the foods? Third, how involved are the recipes? I found with this recipe book, the g...
An absolute must have cookbook for when you want some good old southern comfort food. I originally had grabbed this from my library to take a peek (I actually prefer her sons' cookbooks-they are a tad healthier) but couldn't resist this for some of the recipes in there. Plus, all the ones I have don...