Ms. Rawlings went the self-publish route for her Eagle Harbor series, set in the small town of Eagle Harbor on the shores of Lake Superior. She has other inspirational romance authors as editors, and I think they should stick to writing. Editing has a different skill set than writing and this book w...
As you might expect from the title of this collection, there are (at least) four proposals, some misunderstandings, unexpected developments, and humorous situations to be found in the pages of these four novellas:The Husband Maneuver by Karen WitemeyerEtta has loved Dan for years. When she hears he ...
Each story in this collection of historical/inspirational romances left me smiling. These "9 romances [that] grow from marriage partnerships formed out of necessity" are heart-warming tales of couples coming together, often for the sake of family and survival. Whether it is an inheritance with a mar...
Melissa Jagears excels at telling a mail-order bride story with an unexpected take. This is the third in her Unexpected Brides series which began in the (free ebook on Amazon) novella, "Love by the Letter." It tells the story of Silas Jonesy, whose mail-order bride left him after only seven months o...
Eliza Cantrell is a career-minded woman who resorts to becoming a mail-order after her father leaves his store to her brother. But all does not go as planned when her train is robbed and then fiancé/store-owner, Axel, is out of town when she arrives in Salt Flatts. Instead, she is met by William S...
A sweet and satisfying, clean Christian romance novella. Dex and Rachel are flawed, relatable and endearing. I read this after thoroughly enjoying Bride for Keeps, and I'm now looking forward even more to Unexpected Brides Book #2 A Bride in Store. One of the aspects I enjoyed in both the nove...
After reading A Bride for Keeps, this little novella telling Dex and Rachel’s story completes the circle. Very sweet, well written and OMG Dex is beyond adorable. I guess we all have a thing for flawed men. And when Dex gets nervous, his flustered state is hilarious: “This is a rather hard th...
I’m a sucker for slow burn, innocent but passion filled romances. And the prospect of a story like that, set in late 1900… swoons.Everett Cline has been through his fair share of brides. Sounds like a player, right? Wrong! Poor boy was for all intents and purposes stood up by his brides, wait for it...
Melissa Jagears "Love By The Letter" is an interesting story about more than romance set in a mid 1800 midwest. It is a portrait of loving to learn in the heart of a woman and not being able to conquer the written word for a man and the feelings of insecurity each can engender. This is one of the fe...
Salt Flatts, Kansas, Spring 1876, and the train has just arrived in town with another mail-order bride for Everett Cline, only he didn’t order this one. He wants a wife, but he’s given up hope of finding one after one jilted him, one arrived dead, one arrived married and the fourth left him for a fa...