I was born in Van Nuys California when the shift from hippie love to disco collars and bell bottoms was happening. I moved around too much to call any one place my hometown; no, not an Army Brat just had a dad who worked in a very specialized field so we went where the work was. As a kid I lived...
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I was born in Van Nuys California when the shift from hippie love to disco collars and bell bottoms was happening. I moved around too much to call any one place my hometown; no, not an Army Brat just had a dad who worked in a very specialized field so we went where the work was. As a kid I lived in Colorado for a time and then back to city hop around California again. I went to high school in Oakhurst California and shortly after graduation I moved to Nahe Germany where I worked as an au pair for a wonderful German family for 2 1/2 years!! I then moved to Princeton New Jersey for a short time and then to Phoenix Arizona where my sister introduced me to the man who has now been my husband for 17 years. After five years in the Phoenix heat I moved to Sacramento California where the rest of my family had congregated and have been here for 15 years now. I have been writing fiction since I was 13, scribbling away in composition books that should have been used for school work until my hand cramped. I´d endlessly click away on the Apple computers at school and the typewriter at home until my friends and family wanted to strangle me just to make the noise stop. Originally I started writing stories as a means to escape the chaotic fallout from my sister´s rebellious antics, often fleeing through my bedroom window and taking my composition book out into the woods to sit under a tree and make up my own worlds. Music is hugely important to me and helps me when I write. For pleasure I listen to darn near anything, and Nina Storey and Beth Hart are two of my absolute favorites! When writing; however, I listen almost exclusively to The Crüxshadows, (www.thecruxshadows.com) finding their lyrics amazingly creative and inspiring. I also love love love to travel. My approach to travel is that I want to go everywhere I´ve never been. This has taken me to Hawaii, Europe, Fiji and Guam. In 2011 I went to Iceland and Prague, Czech Republic while in May 2013 I will be going to Barcelona Spain where I will be doing research for the fifth book in my Liliphim series. I love spending time with friends at our home, which has been dubbed Casa de Awesome; video games and movies dominate our living room! The hubby and I have no children on purpose; I´d be a horrible mother but I´m an awesome Auntie! I collect rocks, seashells and bits of interesting wood that I find on my travels as well as sand. I am quite open minded and I can´t remember the last time I was offended by anything. I like discussing life and everything that makes it interesting.
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