Ruby and Ethan were perfect for each other. Until the day they suddenly weren't. Now, ten years later, Ruby is single, having spent the last decade focusing on her demanding career and hectic life in Manhattan. There's barely time for a trip to England for her little sister's wedding. And there's ce...
I so enjoyed this book. It was so entertaining and I loved the characters. A great read that included romance, humor (quite a lot) and a little mystery. I sped through this book enjoying every moment.Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an...
Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this fabulous book to review xxI never start a review quite like this, infact i never swear in my reviews but i am going to. I BLOODY LOVED THIS BOOK!! There, I've said it and I apologise for swearing but this book really is so good. The characters are love...