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Pack - 3 starsIn Sheep's Clothing - 4 starsGrace of Small Magics - 4.5 stars
Pack by Jeaniene Frost. Very good short story about a lost hiker finding more than just her way. Love it. ***** In Sheep's Clothing by Meljean Brook. Another really good story. I thought this books would be similar to her steampunk, but it was your classic werewolf with no wiring and mechanical...
PACK by Jeaniene Frost - 2 starsIn Sheep's Clothing by Meljean Brook - 2 starsGRACE OF SMALL MAGICS by Ilona Andrews - 4 stars*I would recommend to: paranormal romance fans, fans of Ilona Andrews who can borrow this book, or can afford buying it, just to skip Frost and Brook's stories and jump direc...
Underwhelming with bland authorial voices and mostly absent romance. The best of the 3 is the Ilona Andrews story.
The first two stories are not worth it - very short and totally cliched. The last one though was great (although also short) - Ilona Andrews never disappoint(s) :-)