Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
In her imaginative second novel, an unusual love story, the highly acclaimed author of Elsewhere offers a unique exploration of teenage identity and self-discovery. The heroine, a teen who is forced to re-invent herself and reconstruct her life after she suffers a head injury that leaves her with...
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In her imaginative second novel, an unusual love story, the highly acclaimed author of Elsewhere offers a unique exploration of teenage identity and self-discovery. The heroine, a teen who is forced to re-invent herself and reconstruct her life after she suffers a head injury that leaves her with a four-year memory loss, grapples with many issues teens will find familiar: romance, changing friendships, and a dysfunctional family. But this teen’s amnesia gives her the perspective to see herself and others clearly for the very first time. At times funny and always thought provoking, this tale effectively touches upon themes of chance, loss, and choice, in a moving story readers won’t soon forget.
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Format: Textbook
ASIN: 9780374349462
Publish date: 21-08-2007
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Edition language: English
My initial reaction to this book was a look of disbelief at the title. I mean, how could an amnesiac have memoirs? I opened the book and started reading and I was captivated. What an interesting concept for a book.Naomi Porter loses a coin toss and must return to school to pickup a camera. There, sh...
Naomi Porter regains consciousness as she is being put into an ambulence. She hears an unfamiliar voice claiming to be her boyfriend and opens her eyes to see him sitting beside her on the way to the hospital. The pain in her head is so severe that she doesn't worry about the fact that she has no ...