Meredith Ann Pierce
Birth date: July 05, 1958
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Another trilogy I won't bother to finish. Irrylath was far more interesting as a Darkangel than as human Irrylath. Too angsty. Thankfully he isn't around much, only in the first chapter or so and in the last one. We get to know why he can't "love" Aeriel. Not really a mystery, since the specters tol...
I was pleasantly surprised with this book, I thought it was a Paranormal YA, the kind that abound lately. Romantic, with plenty of descriptions of the hero being the most handsome guy ever, the girl being plain but oh wait, beautiful; the weird and/or "exotic" names... Instead I got a mean Icarus (t...
Spoiler Rating: Moderate Dear Lizzy, I've lugged veritable carloads of novels home from Half Price Books, most of which have subsequently been lugged back to Half Price Books for reselling. The Darkangel came home with me, oh, five or six years ago, and has sat brooding on my shelf until a few d...
These seems like a collection of 'what if' scenarios from various fantasy Authors and they are very enjoyable for a casual read; a few of them would even qualify for college-level analysis, I believe.
This series has an ending that starts out confusing but the book wraps up the trilogy in such a surprising and refreshing way that leaves most questions answered and explained. The story raises several questions about the inhabitants of this world and their relation to humans and Earth and it is str...