Mertianna currently lives with her husband, son, and three dogs in Northern California. At a young age, while traveling the globe with her military family, she discovered the joys of reading. Armed with a facination for science fiction, the paranormal, and fantasy, she amused, shocked, and...
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Mertianna currently lives with her husband, son, and three dogs in Northern California. At a young age, while traveling the globe with her military family, she discovered the joys of reading. Armed with a facination for science fiction, the paranormal, and fantasy, she amused, shocked, and impressed her teachers with her imaginative stories. As an adult, reality reared its boring head and she joined the business workforce. After many years working as a professional manager while secretly wishing she was a writer, she took a detour from the corporate world to immerse herself into fictional worlds of her own making. Mertianna has accumulated multiple graduate degrees in business and survived years of doctoral studies in psychology, all of which undoubtedly has influenced how her characters behave or not behave as the case may be.
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