"Astounding...Fast-moving, Intriguing...James Michener is back in huge, familiar form with MEXICO."LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWSHere is the story of an American journalist who travels to Mexico to report on the upcoming duel between two great matadors, but who is ultimately swept up in the dramatic...
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"Astounding...Fast-moving, Intriguing...James Michener is back in huge, familiar form with MEXICO."LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWSHere is the story of an American journalist who travels to Mexico to report on the upcoming duel between two great matadors, but who is ultimately swept up in the dramatic story of his Mexican ancestors. From the brutality and brilliance of the ancients, to the iron fist of the invading Spaniards, to the modern-day Mexicans battling through dust and bloodshed to build a nation upon the ashes of revolution, James Michener weaves it all into an epic human story that ranks with the best of his beloved, bestselling novels.A MAIN SELECTION OF THE BOOK-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB
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Format: paperback
9780449221877 (0449221873)
Publish date: March 2nd 1994
Publisher: Fawcett
Pages no: 672
Edition language: English
I loved this. Another of my favorite Michener books. As usual, rich characterization and plotting mix with history and historical figures. Certainly a good look at upper class Mexican life and culture. Helpful to me in understanding Mexico better and a very worthwhile read.