(I received an ARC of this title from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.) Life isn’t fair. I know this, you know this, but we still keep hoping that somehow the universe will work things out. But the universe really couldn’t give fewer fucks. F*ck Feelings is a book a...
I'm generally not a self-help reader, but the title of this one sucked me in. I don't think there's a soul that knows me that would call me a mushy, emotional personality (unless it's covered in fur); it's not that I don't care, but I tend to be crap at expressing it and find I'm most comfortable w...
I think I chuckled, on almost every page. While this is a serious book it is about not being so serious about everything. We whine, moan, obsess and complain so much in our lives, always looking to blame something or someone even ourselves for not living up to the ideal. Well, just F8ck it! None of ...