Michael Craft is the author of 14 published novels, including the highly acclaimed Mark Manning mystery series, three installments of which were honored as finalists for Lambda Literary Awards. His latest title, "Inside Dumont," is a “novel in stories,” a collection of stand-alone narratives...
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Michael Craft is the author of 14 published novels, including the highly acclaimed Mark Manning mystery series, three installments of which were honored as finalists for Lambda Literary Awards. His latest title, "Inside Dumont," is a “novel in stories,” a collection of stand-alone narratives that, taken together, tell a book-length story with the scope of a novel. Michael grew up in Illinois and spent his middle years in Wisconsin, which inspired the fictitious small-town setting of his new book. He holds an MFA in creative writing from Antioch University, Los Angeles, and now resides in Rancho Mirage, California. Visit the author’s website at www.michaelcraft.com.
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