حل عن الله تبعي ولووو , مو ناقص غير تقلي " ما أجمل صورة حذائها المنعكسة على سيراميك الحمام "
The Waste Land is one of the greatest works of poetry in the 20th century.Indeed, this poem passes every description, and goes beyond words. It's the truest, the prettiest, and the most touching poem ever. It's a magnificent depiction of our "modern" world which is sinking in a huge pool of mud. I...
To be re-read every three years. Or two. Or one.
Sat 31/03/12: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01dvzg7/Afternoon_Drama_The_Waste_Land/Turn the wheel and look to Winward is quite the line bbc blurb - Roger McGough introduces requests for TS Eliot's groundbreaking modernist poem The Waste Land. First published in 1922, the programme draws upon...
Great poem and great edition. As always, Norton is excellent at providing contextual materials and shitty at making covers that aren't ugly.