Michael Reaves
Birth date: September 14, 1950
Michael Reaves's Books
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AUTHORS’ NOTEThis is a work of fiction. Still, given an infinite number of possible worlds, it must be true on one of them. And if a story set in an infinite number of possible universes is true in one of them, then it must be true in all of them. So maybe it’s not as fictional as we think. Best ...
And it is in trouble. After 100+ pages, Joe still a dork in some way that he could "Walk" in between reality, yet failed to get what's going on, and failed again to know the mystery girl just "Walk" into his life. The character build up is not as good, as the tragedy that happened does not make...
Joey Harker, interdimensional adventurer and regular good guy, returns in the final book in the Interworld series. Started by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves in 2007, the series was originally imagined as a screenplay or television series, and that concept is reflected in the story. The entire series...
3.5[Reseña pendiente]Pre-reseña: (Muy entretenido! (Aunque, dado el genero, escrito como si lo hiciera un chico de 14 años. Pero hasta eso lo hace mas gracioso aun)
Chouette aventure, un peu décousue par moments, pas toujours facile à suivre, mais un bon moment à travers la physique quantique et les univers parallèles, le tout saupoudré d'une dose d'absurde et de beaucoup d'imagination.