MICHAEL TERMAN is Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University's College of Physicians & Surgeons. He directs the Clinical Chronobiology Program at the New York State Psychiatric Institute (where his clinical trials were performed under support of the National Institute...
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MICHAEL TERMAN is Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University's College of Physicians & Surgeons. He directs the Clinical Chronobiology Program at the New York State Psychiatric Institute (where his clinical trials were performed under support of the National Institute of Mental Health). His clinical service was established in 2005 as the Center for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (www.columbia-chronotherapy.org). In 2013, he established the Comprehensive Chronotherapy Group (www.comprehensivechronotherapy.com), a unique outpatient service with specialists in chronotherapy, psychpharmacology, and psychotherapy. The group evaluates and supervises cases across the country.His research has followed a triple track: * Clinical chronobiology (light, melatonin, and negative air ionization therapy for depressive and sleep disorders) * Instrumentation development for chronotherapeutics* Laboratory investigation in photobiology and circadian rhythmsIn 1994, he founded the Center for Environmental Therapeutics (www.cet.org), a nonprofit agency dedicated to professional and public education and research initiatives in this emerging field. CET's credo: informed patients can inform their doctors about chronotherapy (and vice versa, of course)!PERSONAL STATEMENTAfter a long career of developing and testing effective research-based approaches to treating mood and sleep problems, and using them with my patients, I felt a mounting sense of frustration. Our scientific knowledge of the circadian clock and circadian rhythm problems is solid and constantly growing. Our clinical techniques for dealing with these problems are proven and powerful. Yet the people who could benefit the most simply aren't aware of what we know and what we can do. This includes both those who are trying to overcome sleep and mood problems and those professionals who are trying to help them.CHRONOTHERAPY, and its paperback/Kindle editions, RESET YOUR INNER CLOCK, are my project with Ian McMahan to solve that problem. Written for general readers, patients and doctors, they present a clear, authoritative, and scientifically grounded account of chronobiology, the science that explores the role of light and the circadian clock in our daily lives. But beyond that, they show how understanding this science, and acting on our understanding, can change our lives for the better by helping us improve our mood, energy level, and sleeping pattern. The two titles lay out what we know about the particular circadian problems that may affect children, adolescents, and the aged, and put forth specific ways these problems can be solved. People with depression, bipolar and sleep disorders, shift work problems, or jet lag recount their experiences with chronotherapy in their own words. Stepping into the future, the books suggest how the insights of chronobiology can help shape tomorrow's work schedules, education systems, and architectural practices to better our lives.WHAT OUR REVIEWERS HAVE SAID"Whether struggling through the night shift, jetting across time zones, waking up too early in the hollow dawn, sleepless in Seattle, parenting a newborn or a teenager, caring for a demented relative, or suffering from depression, the major cause of sleep issues is an internal clock out of sync with the external world. Light therapy, scheduled sleep timing, melatonin, negative air ions--we now have a nonpharmacological toolbox to fix these symptoms: chronotherapy! This beautifully clear guidebook will open your eyes to a natural and science-based approach to many ailments of our 24/7 society." - Anna Wirz-Justice, Ph.D., author of Chronotherapeutics for Affective Disorders: A Clinician's Manual for Light and Wake Therapy"This brilliant book offers a simple, fascinating account of successes with timed light treatment and user-friendly sleep times. It is essential reading for anyone with persistent sleep problems." - Josephine Arendt, Ph.D., M.D. honoris causa, author of Melatonin and the Mammalian Pineal Gland"A timely and valuable book, packed with information that can help just about anybody. Terman and McMahan do an outstanding job in explaining how these disturbances come about in terms that are readily accessible and interesting. More important, they provide simple guidelines and solutions as to what to do when your circadian rhythms misbehave. A terrific addition to the literature on light, sleep and rhythms for the general public." - Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., author of Winter Blues, and Transcendence"Full of good science and advice about getting our inner clocks ticking right." -- Claudia Dreifus of The New York Times"Michael Terman has emerged as the #1 clinician and researcher internationally re: chronotherapy. This book establishes him as the #1 educator." -- Lewis A. Opler, M.D., Columbia University"The authors' breakthrough message: Once we understand how our circadian rhythm affects our lives, we can control some environmental factors and cure ourselves of insomnia, fatigue and depression. -- Susan Adams, Forbes Magazine"'There's more awareness than ever that disease can't be treated simply through medications and interventions,' says Marisa Vigilante, editor at Avery. 'We're seeing that this approach really resonates with readers as it's intuitive and empowering. [This] book's drug-free program applies scientific findings about light and the circadian clock that can help people rest and improve their moods and energy.' -- Publishers Weekly"Breakthrough therapy for insomnia, depression, and circadian rhythm regulation." -- Bob Arnot, M.D.
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