Michael Wallace
Sign up to Michael's New Release Mailing List here: bit.ly/10ZDLZ2 (Simply cut-and-paste that address into your browser) and receive a free copy of the Righteous novella "Trial by Fury." Your email will never be shared and you will only be contacted when a new book is out.I've trekked across the...
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Sign up to Michael's New Release Mailing List here: bit.ly/10ZDLZ2 (Simply cut-and-paste that address into your browser) and receive a free copy of the Righteous novella "Trial by Fury." Your email will never be shared and you will only be contacted when a new book is out.I've trekked across the Sahara on a camel, ridden an elephant through a tiger preserve in Southeast Asia, eaten fried guinea pig, and been licked on the head by a skunk. In a previous stage of life I programmed nuclear war simulations, smuggled refugees out of a war zone, and milked cobras for their venom. I speak Spanish and French and grew up in a religious community in the desert.
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3.5 Stars - this is a decent start to a trilogy.This book is mostly setting the scene and world building, introducing the main characters.There was quite a lot going on, mainly focussing on the four main wizards apprentice characters and their strengths and weaknesses.Don't let "wizards apprentice" ...
I was in the mood for some good historical fiction, and The Cres.... Zzzzzz. Zzzzzz. Zzzzzz... Oh, sorry. Fell asleep. Like I was saying--I wanted to read some engaging historical fiction. The Cres...cent Ss...p.......yyy... Zzzzz. Zzzzzz. Snort. Zzzzz.... [Jolts awake, disoriented. Wipes ...
Victoria Crossing by Michael Wallace has a classic plot of a young woman seeking to make her way independently and despite hardships. She finds friends and enemies along the way. She achieves success. She suffers setbacks. She starts again. The concept holds a promise that is not completely reached;...
Michael Wallace, author of The Crescent Spy, on tour November 2015 About The Crescent Spy Paperback Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (November 10, 2015) Writing under a man’s name, Josephine Breaux is the finest reporter at Washington’s Morning Clarion. Using her wit and charm, she never fails ...
Josephine Breaux makes her living as a newspaper reporter; however during the Civil War she must write under a male pseudonym. As a female, she is able to get information from both the Union and the Confederacy. When her cover is blown, Josephine is arrested at a traitor and spy. To her surprise...