Michael York
Birth date: March 27, 1942
Michael York's Books
bleh. snoozefest. glad I'm done with it.
Enjoyable. I wish I had read it when I was a child. Perhaps then I could have grown up to become an adult who enjoys fantasy novels. I loved the animated cartoon that used to air every year on television. The Jesus allegory is heavy, but probably only to the eyes of an adult. :-)
Audio version from Audible. Although the story kept me engaged enough to finish it, I can't say I truly enjoyed it. It offers some interesting (and I suppose novel, for the time) ideas. I think it's a pretty accurate appraisal of human nature. But that's really all this novel is - an attempt to answ...
Another one to add to my "binned" shelf. Not impressed.
No point in rehashing a book we are all familiar with but at this point (in all of my godly and infinite wisdom) I'd really advise removing this from the "canon" as there's probably some better recent works to replace it. It's astoundingly accurate in its prophecy for our times but by chapter 9, the...