So the first time around I dnf'd this book because I couldn't stand the pov and reading from the 5yo boy's perspective was just no fun.This time around I tried audio, and while it was easier for me to get into and I actually finished it, I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Yeah it's a hor...
I picked this one up because I've talked about Frog Music, Donoghue's other novel, and every time... someone asks if I've read Room. When I tell them I haven't, I got the same response every time. Well, I absolutely need to do it as an audiobook. It's told by a child.This seemed pretty gimmicky to m...
4.5/5OVERALL IMPRESSION: This book was just wow. I've wanted to read it for a while, but I recently started getting into audiobooks and saw that this was available at my library so I decided to give it a try. The thing about this book that makes it so haunting is the narrator playing Jack. He really...
This book made me so uncomfortable that I had to fight the urge to look up the ending every time I started listening to it. But despite the total discomfort, I still had to finish it. So that means it was good, right?
First off, I wouldn't recommend the audiobook version of this book. Unless you aren't easily annoyed by whiny squeaky little children voices, stick with the actual book. I'm not sure if Michael Friedman is an adult altering his voice to try to sound like a small child or if he's an actual child acto...
The beginning plot premise of this book is so distasteful to me (a young woman kidnapped and held as sex slave for seven years) that I would never have read this book on my own initiative. Why should I read a novel about a situation that I would prefer to pretend never happens? But this book was se...
I'm not a fan of this book, unfortunately, mainly due to being uncomfortable with the subject matter and the style of writing. It's strong issue being dealt in there but there are just times I felt like dropping it off but being myself, I can't not finish (very rarely anyway).So I finished it and I...