INSERT OBNOXIOUSLY AMBIGUOUS SYNOPSIS HEREFrance, before and after World War II. two lives, two bodies, one soul? twins born to A Regular Guy and An Earth Mother. a weaving factory. A Gay Uncle: predator, Gentleman Garbage Man, prey. children led to their doom; a lover devoured by rats. La French Re...
Ohlala. Voila un livre qui est difficile à expliquer. Beaucoup d'éléments provocatives, une histoire influencée par la mythologie et la Christianité. Si vous êtes préparés pour un boulversement éthique, lisez 'Le Roi Des Aulnes'!
mustafa balel’in fransızca’dan çevirdiği ve ayrıntı yayınları tarafından basılan bu roman yaşayan bir mitin hikayesi. çocukluğundan beri eski ve yeni ahit teolojisiyle büyümüş eleazar irlanda’dan kaliforniya’ya sürüklenen bir kutsal yolculuğun hikayesi. yoğun dinsel anlatımın birey üzerinde etkisi b...
[These notes were made in 1990. I read the Anne Carter translation, London: Minerva, 1981]. Novel first published 1975. I read this within months of rereading Twins by Bari Wood, a sensationalistic mass market novel on the same theme. The two are night and day: this is a far more sophisticated pie...