Sweetly Broken jumps straight back into the action. Emery hasn't seen Grandy since she left him into the hotel room. But that hasn't stopped her from trying to track down the people that are trying to kill her.However the plot thickens when secrets are revealed about who Grandy really is. I did not ...
This book had me gripped from the start. I just couldn't put it down and finished it in one sitting. Ok so it was short but still before I knew it I had finished and really have to read the next one to find out what happens now.I don't read many books about female serial killers so this was really d...
What the ever loving mother fucking hell was that? Okay, let me start with this: Grrrr and a thousand halfs. *Okay, whew, deep breath. *So, (and I swear I'll get to the point in a minute, okay?) a few years ago, I dnf'ed this book where the H and h are running through a forest away from flesh eating...
The reason I read romance novels is because they provide a light interlude between my usual mystery / thrillers. They are supposed to be simple and most of the time we already know what's coming... But well, Slide changed all that for me a bit.First we meet Evangeline who has eluded the spotlight t...